ICCROM Our Collections Matter Programme

ICCROM Our Collections Matter Programme
Consultancy work to transform heritage practice through training and tools
ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) is an intergovernmental organization based in Rome, working in service to more than 135 Member States, to promote the conservation of all forms of cultural heritage in every region of the world. It operates in the spirit of the 2001 UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, which states that;
“Respect for the diversity of cultures, tolerance, dialogue and cooperation, in a climate of mutual trust and understanding are among the best guarantees of international peace and security.”
Our Collections Matter (OCM) was launched in 2020 to accelerate, increase and amplify activities that support sustainable development through the use, development and conservation of heritage collections. It does so by adopting a “3T” strategy: tools, training and transformation.

I have worked as a consultant on Our Collections Matter since the programme was being developed in 2020, working closely with the programme co-ordinator. This involves:
- Gathering potentially useful tools together and aligning them with the SDG targets, for inclusion in an online toolkit
- Developing a set of indicators for the SDG targets specific to collections-based institutions
- Developing and facilitating online training and capacity-building programmes, including annual ‘field tests’ with 30 participants, and a partnership programme with the Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO)
- Developing a self-paced online course
- Developing and facilitating in-person training and capacity-building, such as a 3-week programme held at Angkor Conservation Studio (Siem Reap, Cambodia) in 2022. Putting heritage to work for sustainable development – CollAsia Cambodia | ICCROM
- Helping promote and communicate the programme at a range of fora and to a wide range of stakeholders, to practitioners, within ICOM, and at UN Climate Change conferences (COP26)
The vision of Our Collections Matter is that, through gathering tools and providing training, every heritage professional can contribute to sustainable development, transforming their practices and transforming their services to society.