Practice-based publications

Practice-based publications
Empowering museum professionals to mobilise museums for public benefit
These are a few examples of practice-related publications.
Mind the [climate policy and action] gaps (2022). I was commissioned to work with the Network of European Museum Organisations to understand the results of a Europe-wide survey of how museums are working with climate action. The survey included nearly 600 museums in 48 countries. I wrote an introduction to the report, to look at what climate actions are happening, what gaps exist, and what further actions could close those gaps.

Seven Million Wonders (2014) was written as an advocacy document for museums with natural history collections in the Northwest of England. The context was that few museums had in-house staff expertise, and natural history collections were a ‘soft target’ when it came to funding cuts. The document created a simple argument, that people need nature and nature needs people. This is a policy-focussed argument. The document outlined the challenges facing people and nature, how museums can help, and a vision for a future where people and nature help one another out.

Unexpected Encounters: how museums nurture living and ageing well (J. Dodd, C. Jones, S. Plumb, H. McGhie and L. Blazejewski, 2018) was produced as an output of a two-year research project, supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund. We worked with a group of museums who undertook ‘experiments’ to try out different activities that empowered older people to make use of natural history collections in ways that were active and meaningful, and that also related to the living world beyond museums.